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AB Blood Type Inch 6

Blood Type AB
Inch 5 - Eliminate Gluten
For Type ABs the grains that are not tolerated well are WHEAT, artichoke flour, cornmeal, buckwheat, cornmeal, grits and tapioca.
When you ingest these, your body creates antibodies to fight against these "poisons."
Millimeters (Tips)
1. Start with one meal each day. Have one completely gluten free meal each day. Do this for a week. Then move to two meals each day that are completely gluten free. (Need some recipes? Visit our Recipes page!)
2. Have an "emergency" meal in the freezer. Our favorites are Amy's and Udi's gluten free frozen products. Use this on a day when you don't have time to prepare a gluten free meal or have a bad day and need an easy dinner.
3. Make a list and post it in the kitchen of easy, go-to snacks and meals that are gluten-free. (You'll find you don't need it after a few months.)
Ready to go to Inch 6?

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