
... And the leaves of the trees shall be for the healing of the nations ...
Revelation 22:2

H.O.P.E. Seminars
We bring the education to you!
Bring aH.O.P.E. Seminarto you through your church, hospital, community, local school or university. H.O.P.E. Seminars is a biblical course designed to educate God's people on healthy choices in food, wellness through nutrition, miracle properties of plants God provided from the beginning and restoring health. Participants learn why they can't lose weight no matter how hard they diet, how to kill strep without antibiotics, how to reverse unhealthy conditions and disease without the use of prescriptions, why we get sick after personal tragedy (death of a loved one) and how to avoid it, etc... Click here for more information on H.O.P.E. Seminars.
One-on-One, individual consultations
Need help figuring out if it's a symptom or the actual problem? Tried but can't explain the constant headaches? We've got the tools to help you in your health and wellness journey! Let us sit down with you and figure out the next step together.
We offer nutritional consulting, vitamin / supplement consults, health products evaluations, weight loss consults, etc...
Eating Plans & Supplement Recommendations
Different DNA means we all have different nutritional needs.
We've done our homework on diet and supplements! The H.O.P.E. diet is a diet that balances, restores, heals and renews.
We've done our homework on diet and supplements! The H.O.P.E. diet is a diet that balances, restores, heals and renews.
Church Nursery PowWOW's
Non-Toxic Cleaning and Transition Mobilization
A growing church nursery can become messy quickly. Many churches have good intentions and spray germicides on the toys and rugs after children leave to sanitize them. However, those toxins can remain in the room long after the initial spray has dryed and wreak havoc on little lungs and immune systems. THERE ARE NON-TOXIC ALTERNATIVES! Learn morehere!